Saturday, 3 August 2013

Why Should Your Business Outsource

These days, any business will surely come to a point when they will consider outsourcing. In the span of just a little more than a decade, outsourcing has become a practical strategy for any organisation that wants growth. This came with the leaps and bounds in telecommunications and network connections. As these support technologies become more and more powerful, outsourcing -- regardless of where you outsource -- has also become more reliable.

So, should your business outsource? Since this is a BPO blog, the obvious answer there is 'yes.'

But that's a qualified 'yes.' A business has to be ready to outsource. And, it has to approach outsourcing as a strategy toward industry success, not a last ditch effort to save a dying business. The latter reason is a risky way of approaching outsourcing. After all, it is still an investment in resources, and time is a variable when it comes to the returns.

A business should outsource when:
1. There is an increase in the number of clients that need their services. Outsourcing can be a way to deal with the lack of qualified manpower to handle these extra projects. Hiring a new staff right away can be risky if the increase is only temporary or seasonal.

2. You want/ need to expand your operations because of new opportunities but don't have enough funds to do so on your own. Outsourcing can give you a broader presence.

3. You want to focus on your core competencies, and invest manpower acquisition and training there. You can outsource work in the supporting departments to experts. This might actually be the better strategy than putting up new departments and hiring staff for these. With experts at the helm right away, there is only a minimal learning curve. You can expect returns from their efforts sooner.

4. You want to minimise your overhead spending. Hiring new staff brings with it additional overhead spending. Apart from salary an training expenses, you will spend more on office furniture, supplies, electronics, and electricity, among others. If you keep your operations small and jut outsource some of your workload, you can earn bigger profits.

These are the top reasons. And those who've adopted outsourcing as their business strategy have found degrees of success, depending on how good their outsourcing partner was.

In the end, it really boils down to a different question. It is not: why should business outsource? Instead, the question is: who should be your outsourcing partner? This is the deciding factor in how otsourcing can work out for you.

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