Saturday, 24 August 2013

Online Marketing Options

When you venture online for the first time, one thing to remember is that your online marketing options are not limited to just having a website. Online marketing is a broad subject, and it comes in different flavors and forms.

Having said this about websites, let's get one thing clear and out of the way: you need to have a website. Regardless of what online marketing strategy you use, you need a website. Your website is your online representative. This is where your prospective clients get to know you. And, when you embark on an online marketing campaign, one of the more important end goals is to get your prospective clients to go to your website. Your website does the job of filtering qualified leads. It is also where you can convert traffic into actual sales. Your website is where you do business. Online marketing is a way to drive traffic to your website.

Online Marketing Strategy 1: Email Marketing
A popular yet vilified form of online marketing is email marketing. Here, you would typically send your subscribers email updating them about industry trends, as well as news about your company. Some people frown at the mere mention of email marketing because it's an abused form of marketing. Note how we mentioned 'subscribers' in the previous sentence. Those who abuse this form of online marketing send to everyone on their email list, whether or not they signed up for it. We know these guys as 'spammers.'

However, this should not take from what is naturally a great way to get qualified leads. Email marketing is one of the best online strategies available to you -- AS LONG AS YOU DO IT RIGHT.

This means sending to those who really signed up for your news, including an opt out option, and creating a truly engaging email and website content. We will talk about this in detail in future blogs. For now, keep email marketing in mind. It still is a legitimate way to reach your target market.

Online Marketing Strategy 2: Ebook Marketing
You don't need to be a writer to write a book. You just have to be a savvy online marketer! If you are an online marketer who's weight your weight in gold, then you'd know to outsource your content development and concentrate on marketing your ebook.

Ebook marketing is a great way to reach your target audience. and build your reputation. It can lead to sales and other opportunities. If you can't write, have someone else write it for you.

The point is to get your ebook out there. It should be about a topic that people are interested to know about. So much so that they will subscribe to you and download it; or, they might even buy it.

Online Marketing Strategy 3: Guerrilla Marketing 
Guerrilla marketing is such a precarious topic -- it is online marketing that can be anything. It just hits you like a jab. Next thing you know, you've been marketed to.

That's what is so great about it. With guerrilla marketing, you can't immediately tell you're the target until you find yourself buying. And for an online marketer, this is a great thing.

Typically, guerrilla marketing (as the name would suggest) is done through covert means. For instance, a shoe brand markets its waterproof shoes through a supposedly legitimate extreme sport of 'water running.' Water running involves individuals making record time running on the water's surface. This shoe brand enlisted known extreme sports athletes for the campaign. It was such a success that people actually thought the sport to be real. They shared videos and talked about it in several social media. And that makes for great guerrilla marketing!

There is a lot more strategies available to you if you take time to explore digital media. As it is, there really is no limits to what you can do and accomplish online when you let your creativity and perseverance take control.

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